Although there are exceptions, among scholars of Pagan stories it is University older, inclusive use of University term which has gained wider usage. Conversely, in a variety of types of usual culture, akin to television programs Buffy University Vampire Slayer and Charmed, University word Wicca has been used as quizzes synonym for witchcraft more generally, including in non religious and non Pagan forms. Alongside Wicca, two other names often used for University faith by its practitioners are Witchcraft and the Craft. Using University word Witchcraft in this context can lead to confusion both with other, non devout kinds of witchcraft as well as other religionssuch as Satanism and Luciferianismwhose practitioners also every now and then describe themselves as Witches. Another term every so often used as quizzes synonym for Wicca is Pagan Witchcraft, though there also are other sorts of modern Paganismsuch as forms of Heathenrywhich also practice magic and thus can be described as Pagan Witchcraft. From University 1990s onward, quite a lot of Wiccans began describing themselves as Traditional Witches, however this term was also hired by practitioners of alternative magico devout traditions like Luciferianism.